Retirement Accounts Have Many Rules!
Each type of retirement savings account has its own rules for withdrawal. Some retirement withdrawals are involuntary. For example, an individual retirement account (IRA) and a 401(k) require minimum distributions at a set time in your life. Additionally, withdrawal rules for 401(k) accounts are VERY different from Traditional and Roth IRA account withdrawals. Not playing by the rules could lead to costly penalties. Keeping track of it all can be confusing!
What is a SIP?
We know the rules. We can help you navigate. A Structured Income Plan (SIP) is a strategic retirement withdrawal plan. It maps out spending to optimize your retirement paychecks by minimizing taxes. Withdrawing from various retirement accounts in the wrong order could affect how long your money will last. (Withdrawal Order Risk). Your personalized SIP will answer these common questions to help you minimize taxes and optimize your retirement paychecks:
-How much money should I take out of my retirement accounts?
-When should I take money out?
-From which accounts?
-In which order?
-What is an RMD?
-At what age am I required to pull from an account?
-How long will my money last?
Limited Time Offer: Would you ever purchase a vehicle without first taking it out for a test drive? Most retirement planners want you to “buy before you try.” We’re different. Try us out. As an added bonus, you get a free Basic SIP. Take this Limited Time Offer: Basic SIP for you at NO COST and NO OBLIGATION so you can “Test Drive” my services (offer ends March 1)
You’ve worked hard for your retirement.
Make it last.
HURRY! Offer ends March 1! We design your retirement income to ensure your money is working for you. There is a science to maximizing returns for each level of risk. Your customized retirement design includes a Structured Income Plan (SIP). Best practices include considering Medicare thresholds, optimizing timed withdrawals from each account (to avoid government penalties), maximizing Social Security benefits, and mitigating Sequence of Returns risk. We can assemble the pieces and design your customized, comprehensive retirement plan. Set up your Test Drive today.