Avoid these 3 investor blunders
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It’s felt like running uphill in the sand lately, hasn’t it? Trying to recover from the market downturn?
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2 Biggest Obstacles for Those Near Retirement
Let’s talk about the 2 biggest obstacles that people in, or nearing retirement, face.
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Economic Plunge
Is the sky falling?
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Retirement diagnostic
Does your retirement plan need a diagnostic? Are you cushioned from volatility?
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Economists hate this weird trick + Some good news
So, what’s going on with the economy?
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Making money moves
5 options for your “zombie” 401(k), 403(b), or 457 plan that’s sitting dormant at an old employer
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Did you hear GameStop went viral (LONG READ)
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New Tax Savings
Do these new tax saving opportunities apply to you?
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10 Tax planning tips
Tax season is officially here and it may be a bit different for many Americans due to economic uncertainty and changes amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
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The seven 2020 tax rates themselves didn't change (they are the same as those in effect for the 2019 calendar year), however, the tax bracket ranges were modified based on inflation. Because of this, it's possible you could be in a different tax bracket for 2020 than the last time you reported your taxes, even if your income has not changed.
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